Dub Aid 2011
Some of you may have known that I got involved in the first Dub Aid run back in March to raise money for Help for Heroes. The show was a huge success and as it was held at Castle Combe they made a video of the weekend. The official video from the Dub Aid organisers is due imminently!
Dub Aid 2011 from Castle Combe Circuit on Vimeo.
Carousel Fun! NOT!
Absolute muppets! But very funny to watch someone almost kill themselves in the process of experimentation!
1974 "Fifth Wheel" camper van!
This beautiful camper was available in Indiana back in the '70s and is as close as I would get to owning a caravan if I had the opportunity! Â This awesome top-mounting camping trailer was designed for small cars like the Beetle. Â It had excellent maneuverability, was light-weight, and the central mounting gave it great stability.
Fancy turning up to BVF or Vanfest with this! Â Sure would turn a few heads. Â Don't know what it would be like to drive mind you especially on windy days!?

Dung Beetle:
the car built on poo-power
The next time you flush a weapons-grade cable down the tubes, it could power you to work...
Why? Because a team of British engineers has designed a car which runs on the methane gas from human excrement. Yes - your emissions could be powering the next wave of emission-free motoring.
Using quite complicated technology, this team of boffins is able to utilise the goodness of air-biscuits naturally released from waste, then dump them into your motor.
The creator - GENeco - reckons the nukes dropped by 70 homes is enough to power the car for 10,000 miles, while one sewage works could power 95,400,000 miles per year. This gaseous wizardry could save 19,000 tonnes of CO2.
Having spied the car on its local streets, BBC Bristol also note the crucial point that "Despite being powered by fuel created from sewage, the car does not smell unpleasant."
Still, it does beg the question - given that this is a type of fuel, it's almost certain to be taxed. How will that work? And will one be charged more for the ‘iceberg' and less for the ‘pebble dash'?
And Now For Something Completely Different!
Cabots Circus Shopping Center in Bristol saw the latest in the craze known as FlashMob where hundreds of people turned up for an organised light saber fight in recognition of the religion Jediism!
There were literally hundreds of people involved in the event which lasted several minutes and ended as quickly as it started with Jedis disappearing into the general population!
Bloody Brilliant!
Fan belt need changing!
Heres something I don't think any of you have seen before. Not even by the wise and old amongst us would of passed this one down.
Its definitely a novel way to change your fan belt although I don't think its something you should be doing if you want to keep all your fingers or perhaps your eyes or any other important part of your anatomy!
Please please please don't try this at all not even at home!
Bristol Christmas Cruise 2009!
Anyone fancy cruising round Bristol in their dub?
Well, the Bristol VW Christmas Cruise 2009 is on. Last years show attracted over 300 dubs and created an awesome site on the roads of Bristol! Â Its planned for 13th December at 1pm. Â Last year the cruise started on the downs but I have heard a rumour that its being moved to Portishead due to some complaints last year. I will confirm this as I hear more.
Last year we had 5 faithful turn up for the event, thanks to Phil, Charlotte and Eleanor, Dan and Laura, but I know we can do better!
Vanfest or MUDfest (2008)!!!
As most of you know this years Vanfest was a complete washout! Apart from the nice day we had on Saturday, the rest of the weekend was diabolical with at least 4 inches of standing water sitting in the middle of our campsite. It rained so hard on Friday and for so long that water was running off the hills like a waterfall!
Some of the clan earnt their keep by helping out on the trade gate for most of Friday and I don't think it could of been worse for their first taste of volunteering at a show!
Obviously the kids enjoyed it immensely...nothing like slipping, sliding and general getting mucky! Jamie and Eleanor spent most of Saturday morning sitting and playing in the mud and mayhem.
Luckily enough on Saturday evening, a day too late in my opinion, we managed to get hold of hay which was destined for the traders that we used to rescue some of our campsite making Saturday night around the open fire a little more bearable.
Sunday turned out nice, although the sun didn't make an appearance, it was dry and warm. The trade area was massive with lots of bargains to be had so in all the weekend was pretty good with the people you were camping with making life living in the puddles a little more bearable.
Thanks to all the club members for making it a great weekend despite the weather! If any of you have any photos you want uploading the site then please let me have them and I'll create a gallery.
To the bride and groom!!!

Just a quick note to wish Dan & Laura the very best of luck for the future.
The happy day went extremely well apart from.......wait for it......the Split Bus they hired to take Laura to the church was driven by 'granny', who managed to stall the van yards from the house and then take several minutes to get it started again, much to the amusment of Phil and some of the bridesmaids!
All the vans performed admirably, and in my opinion, gave the Bridesmaids a run for their money on the looks front!
You can find photos of their special day in our gallery.